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DCC District 8 candidates Jessica Feighan and Alexandra Siladi: "Time for change in District 8"

The following letter to the editor by Democrats United for Stamford candidates Jessica Feighan and Alexandra Siladi of District 8 was published in the Stamford Advocate on March 3, 2024.



Democrats United for Stamford slate

Dear editor,

On Tuesday, March 5, Democrats in Stamford can bring change for the better to our Democratic City Committee by electing the Democrats United for Stamford slate of candidates. In District 8 that means voting for us: Jessica Feighan and Alexandra Siladi on Row C. We are lifelong Stamford residents and graduates of the Stamford Public Schools. Our families have called Stamford home for decades, the Siladis since the 1930s and the Feighans since the 1970s, and both have a long legacy of political and community activism. We place great importance on giving back to the city in which we live, and serving on the DCC offers us the chance to contribute our time and talents to ensuring Democrats continue to elect great Candidates.

We are asking for the support of our neighbors in District 8.

Stamford has changed so much since we were kids, and change can be hard. However, our city now is more diverse and has more to offer than ever before. As Democrats, we have much to celebrate and be proud of, including the election of our first female mayor in Caroline Simmons.

It is now time for change in District 8.

Our opponent has held a political position and/or elected office for more than 20 years. Currently, she sits on the DCC and the Board of Representatives (BOR), a “double dipper,” plus she now serves as a state representative in Hartford. If re-elected to the DCC, our opponent will be able to endorse herself for re-election to the BOR without opposition, locking up all of the elected positions in our District for herself. We believe this is simply undemocratic.

Over the past several weeks, we’ve had the privilege of meeting many of our neighbors in District 8.

It’s been an invigorating part of the candidacy process. You’ve brought forward issues and concerns that we will focus on addressing as your DCC representatives. We are eager to join the DCC and believe that working together as one united party is crucial if we hope to achieve victories for Democrats in November.

We urge you to come out and vote for both of us on Tuesday, March 5, and all of the other Democrats United for Stamford candidates across the city. Polls are open from 6 a.m.-8p.m.

Jessica Feighan and Alexandra Siladi are DCC candidates in District 8.

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